Draw Tools & Inventory Variations

One of the most important things a Practice manages besides Patient care is the clinical documentation associated with each treatment. With our photography management suite, every chart has the capability to store up to 5 before pictures for each procedure. These pictures create the optimal canvas for you to take your charting to the next level! With draw tools, you can leverage a toolbox full of options to record passes with an energy device, mark cannula entry ports, track thread vectors, display injection patterns and more. With inventory variations, you can use one inventory item to create variants at different price points or different names based on the Provider, indication or discount group. You can also use inventory variations to create treatment recipes to bundle multiple items, including retail and medical supplies, to facilitate more accurate charting. Inventory variations also make your inventory management process considerably easier. You only need to manage one inventory count, regardless of how many variants contain that product, since it’s all traced back to the same product. Together, draw tools and inventory variations keep your charting informative, organized, and well documented!

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