Episode 3: Different is Better


Kim Welch, RN, CANS

For The Record Podcast with Guest Kim Welch, RN, CANS

In this week’s episode, Tiphany is joined by Kim Welch, BSN, RN, CANS. Kim is the Founder of Esperance Aesthetic Wellness in Coppell, TX where she’s built a wildly successful aesthetic wellness center on the foundation of smart business practices, incredible injection talent, and an authentic desire to mentor and invest in others.

She’s been in nursing for two decades but has spent the last 10 years specializing in Aesthetics. She was one of the first trainers for Medicis, and has since become a top Galderma trainer year after year. She’s respected by her peers and was asked to represent US Aesthetic Nurses in a global advisory board in Sweden.

As an expert injector, she’s participated in and published research on various aesthetic injectables. In this episode Kim and Tiphany tackle building a business while raising three teenagers, attending NP school, being present in a marriage, and staying sane! And all with a positive attitude and a giving heart.

Want to hear more from Kim? Follow her & her Practice on Instagram @kimberlywelch and @esperanceaestheticwellness

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