Episode 54: Market More. Suck Less.


Katlin Cauffman

For The Record Podcast with Katlin Cauffman

This week is like bootcamp for anyone and everyone who is trying to generate leads, increase revenue, and build a bigger practice. We have Diamond Accelerator Founder & CEO, Katlin Cauffman, in studio this week, and she’s sharing some KEY information that you need to hear before you build your next offer or place that next paid ad. With years of experience marketing practices of all shapes and sizes, her expertise and insights make this episode a full blown marketing course that you’d paid big bucks for somewhere else!

Katlin’s company handles everything needed to be massively successful with lead gen, nurturing, and long-term retention of your client base. And over the years, after helping hundreds and hundreds of med spas, she’s got a great handle on the things you can do along the way, in her own words, to make your marketing suck less! Her proven system makes it EASY for practices to set it and forget it, and to focus on other parts of the business while also knowing their marketing efforts are in strong, capable hands with the Diamond Accelerator Team! But, things like a thorough consultation and really good follow up are critical pieces that often get missed- if a company brings you leads on leads on leads, and the team inside the practice can’t convert them to paying patients (or upsell them), then it’s all for not. And Katlin spends alot of her time helping practices understand the funnel is only as good or as important as those face-to-face interactions.

We talk about the consultation often, how to assess, how to present the treatment plan to the patient, and on and on, but do we do it over and over every time they come in? Do we understand the trial close and how to upsell? Are we overcoming objections and driving incremental revenue? ALOT rides on that consultative approach, and that’s why Katlin has spent a tremendous amount of her time developing a full strategy that definitely doesn’t suck! Who wants to crush an ad campaign or rock it with SEO just to have it fall apart at the consult- nobody!

As part of our podcast launch this week, Katlin is giving away her full training program ‘The 5-Star Consultation Process- for FREE! It includes video training, a checklist, plug & play and scripts and more! It’s a huge value that can pay big dividends long term.

Click here to grab your 5 Star Consultation Process: https://www.diamondaccelerator.com/5star-download

We couldn’t recommend this episode more, and Katlin is a total rockstar. Be sure to grab a notepad and pen because you will definitely want to jot down a few key takeaways!

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